Monday, October 20, 2008

quote of the day

"Your mother killed my marijuana plant!" - Kevin, my mom's new(ish) husband. 

The sentence that countless children hear in this town. I never thought I would be one of them! I used to be horrified and saddened by this, and now it doesn't even bother me! Actually, I think it's kind of funny. My former-pastor's-wife-mother's second husband grows pot. To be fair, it's one tiny little plant.... although it is a female, so they are normally in high demand (because female plants produce enough THC for drug production. See here). 

Anyways there's your drug lesson for the day from your favourite missionary. haha. right. please note the disclaimer to your left :) 

I don't even know what to tag this post as. Humour? anti-sanctification? rant? 


perseverance. said...

u can be on the tv show 'weeds'

Unknown said...

dude this has nothing to do with your sanctification! i'm perching right now if you cant tell.

anyway, way to be street smart, time to move to montreal.


Unknown said...

k i take that back. pretty much everything has to do with your sanctification i guess. but i meant it's not a sign of anti-sanctification.