Monday, September 10, 2007

And it begins

Today marks the first day of my final year at university. It's so strange to think that I wont be here next fall. My life has been pretty crazy since I finished work and last posted. There was half a week of pre-frosh week organizing, I went on a Servant Team retreat which was fun, and then had an insane week last week doing frosh week stuff. Basically we just spent as much time as we could letting the frosh know that Campus for Christ existed if they wanted to join. We handed out free packages (real life kits) that had a new testament, a book, a pillowcase (?) and a highlighter. Random about the pillow case... We still have a rat and a squirrel that seem to be immune to rat poison. I have a huge stack of over 100 contacts that we gleaned from frosh week sitting on my desk waiting to be followed up on. I went to my only class so far today (AIDS, Power and Poverty) and tidied my living room, and got a bit of my life together this afternoon.

But as I write this I'm so so nervous. I'm so so anxious. I'm looking at this pile of contacts wondering if they'll actually be contacted by the people I've asked to do it. I'm thinking about my classes and wondering if I'll be able to balance my school work and the amount of time I'm going to need to spend discipling women this year. I'm wondering if I'll fail and drop the ball and leave 130 women who have reached out in one way or another to C4C for information, or friendship, or fellowship, or learning. Will I be able to live up to my own expectations for myself? Probably not. I'm not going to be able to do all this. But, what I do know is that God has been answering my prayers like never before (or at least like I never noticed before). And He's going to provide for all of my needs, and for all of the needs of C4C and the women in it.

Being women's ministry coordinator kind of feels like I'd imagine it would feel like being a mom. You pray for your children, you encourage them, teach them, challenge them, rebuke them, and love them. Now try that for ..... 50-80 women. That's pretty crazy! I'm so glad that God cares about all of their needs more than I do. Because I will inevitably drop the ball, and He'll be there to catch it just after I relax my hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur going to be awesome. glo.