Thursday, July 05, 2007

maybe redemption has stories to tell

God reminded me of how much I've changed over the years today.

I was thinking about my testimony and how I would present it to a large group of people if I had the opportunity (this is kind of weird... i do this sometimes, like practicing in my mind for doing it @ a c4c weekly meeting). He reminded me just how angry and hateful I used to be. I've changed so much since then and so it's really hard for me to remember how intense this hate and anger was, but He used an image to show how he's softened my heart over the years and how I guess in some ways I do have a much gentler spirit than I used to. Praise God for his transformative powers, cause let me tell you - I wasn't that fun to be around. Well, maybe I was fun, but I could definitely hold a grudge.

It's truly a marvel to see where I started off and how far God has brought me, and to remember that I'm still a work in progress is so encouraging: I still have a ways to go, but at least it means I know I wont be stuck in these bad habits I'm experiencing right now!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RAWR. im glad u've changed. im glad i've changed. althou sometimes im like ahh where did my identity go if im not that bitter angry and somewhat witty mean person anymore.... but anywayz.. yah. glo