Thursday, February 28, 2008

i do not promote drug-use or other illicit behaviours...

Something you should probably not say in the DG you're leading:
"Yeah, I can really relate to that. Like you, I really disrespected most authority in my life, especially my parents. They'd tell me to do something and I'd be like "how about no?" But I mean, it wasn't like I was out doing really bad stuff. I wasn't off snorting crack off of... the body of some girl...."
I will not confirm or deny that this actually happened. Generally speaking though, I do need to learn to think before I speak.... and to not opt for shock-value.


Sid S. said...

wow... i can't believe you said that! lolz.

the sad part is if i said that, i wouldn't be even doing it for shock value, it would just roll of my tongue like it was normal. sad.

Unknown said...

Ohhh Jess! What to say, what to say. Next yr when you are on Staff can u please make a video on "Things you shouldn't say as a DGL"?

Jess Versteeg said...

yah i was thinking about that... but i wouldn't even put that line in a C4C video haha.

Jess Versteeg said...

also - for the record. i didn't say i DID say that.... i just didn't also say i DIDN'T say it.

Alison Ma said...

i may or may not have been there when she did or did not say that..

Anonymous said...

hahahaahahahahaha! oh man....I have no words