Monday, November 03, 2008

today's finds

I like information. A lot. My Birkman says I'm a knowledge bank, if perhaps only a mediocre one. Therefore I surf the net and absorb lots of info. Here are some things I've picked up in the last few days:

Random Things
  • 40 Beautiful Free Icon Sets by Six Revisions
  • Flock browser. If you're into social networking sites like Facebook, Flickr, Digg, StumbleUpon, twitter, etc. you'll find this browser has everything you need built right in. It's pretty awesome.
  • November is the month where thousands of people finally write a novel. With NationalNovelWritingMonth (NaNoWriMo). The goal is to write a book of 50, 000+ words. Quantity, not quality is key. You've only lost 3 days so you still have time to start. It's REALLY FUN. I did it in first year. It was one of the most insane things I've ever done, but it was incredibly rewarding. How many people can say they've written a book? Seriously, DO IT once in your life. 
  • As flu/sickness season approaches, better start strengthening your immune system. Here are 6 Steps on how to do it.
  • Today is Cliché Day. Check out cliché for some of the best. Actually... that's a terrible site. It just lists phrases or idioms, not really clichés.
  • Rogers/Fido may be dropping system access fees
Really Obscure/Weird
And to commemorate the last 8 years of the Bush regime here is a link to the 10 biggest Anti-Bush songs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you little sponge, you!
yay to the system access fee
ick to the hose