Sunday, November 19, 2006


Today I was asked by a man who has sold all his possessions and moved him and his family to Malawii, a man who has legally adopted 24 AIDS orphans, a man who is teaching the only seminary in the whole country, a man who feeds 2 500 people each month out of his own pocket and coordinates further famine relief in the country; today I was asked by this man a question and I intend to find the answer. Upon hearing that I'm studying International Development he asked me, "I know of a great number of children who's parents have died because of AIDS and are being taken care of by their grandmothers. So what do we do with them when their grandmothers have died?"

I'm going to find an answer. But first, I have to finish this paper.


Jonathan P said...

Can you say possible Devs project? DOes that count? Come on, it has to!

Jess Versteeg said...

yeah it probably could, but Mo & his family are coming back to Canada in june for a bit.