Thursday, November 09, 2006

the one thing I remember one thing about math: what 'linear' means

Sometimes my mom is so wise. Which always leads me to my next thought - why did she 'go crazy' then??* Yesterday, in my lack of sleep, I was talking to her about my uncertainty for next year. Whether I'll be able to do a development project, or whether God wants me to go to North Africa instead. Like this summer when I went through a period of questioning God's "Plan" for my life, I proposed those same questions. Ultimately I wanted to know "Does it make a difference where I go next summer" kind of thing. Selene would always tell me "you can't screw up God's plan" but in my stupidity, I still do. But that's just me not trusting God. Anyways, mom said this to me which was quite clever and wise:

"First of all, I think 'God's Plan' for you is to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. And secondly, God's plan is relational not linear."

Breakthrough moment! I get that explanation mostly because I get development. In development academia there's this struggle against the two political sides of development. The right wants to "modernize and industrialize" the underdeveloped countries so that they can join our markets, so that they can be a larger part of globalization and ultimately, so that the US can export their goods to them. The left wants to see justice for the colonial legacies, the colonial divisions of labour that have arguably brought underdevelopment. But the Left also wants to end this idea that development equals 'progress'. The word Progress suggests that there is an end goal to work towards and that the West, namely the US and their free market system, is it.

So when mom says, it's relational not linear I totally get that - because development or whatever you want to call it, is relational not linear. It's relational in the sense that world trade rules matter (and the ones that are in place are highly stacked against the Global South), debt matters, and dumping matters just like sin hinders my relationship with God, not getting that sin right with God matters, and ignoring His voice matters.

*my mom didn't actually go off the deep end.... entirely. But if you knew her before and know her now, sometimes I feel like she did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think i went off the deep end and came out of it. depressed at the world for being so messed up. last year's courses were more like.. detailed units of destruction that caused depression. this yrs courses are more like governments causing destruction and all the problems of the world seem soo big that i cant even begin to fathoom or start to comprehend how screwed the world is. oooh the life of a hist major/devs minor :( globoo