Wednesday, April 25, 2007

V. Tech

I watched a video about Molly, the girl at V. Tech who found the bodies in the Residence. I also read a few blog posts by Cynthia, a Campus Crusade for Christ staff worker at V. Tech. It's so crazy to think that in a few moments everything in a person's life can fall apart, that a whole school can be so shaken in a few moments. Like, I was sitting in the library when those students were shot. Not only that, there were 150 people killed that day in Iraq. There's just so much death in the world... but it's kind of sad that it took this V Tech thing to open my eyes to how desperately people need Jesus. How alone people are, how hopeless they feel. Praise God that He's using the stories of Molly and the other members of Campus Crusade in V Tech to bring the gospel to those hurting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jess,
I can totally relate to how you are feeling with all the death in the world right now. It is so sad. I think that Virginia Tech was kind of my breaking point (ie. I really realized how much people need the love and comfort of Christ). But today while in the library I was reading the Voice of the Martyrs and one of them was talking about a young girl in Pakistan who got raped by 4 muslims...and then it went on to talk about all those getting persecuted for their faith. It was one of those realizations that I knew all this was going on in the world, but was so caught up in my own life. Now it is even harder for me to sit in the library and study knowing all this is going on in the world. I guess I get frustrated that I can't be out there doing something to "save the world". I guess these past few days are REALLY making me think alot about what I want to do after school. I am really seeing the desperation in the world for Christ.

Love Always,