Friday, April 25, 2008

movie night

Thursday night movie nights at the guy's place, The Abbey, have been my favourite evening of the semester. I think part of the reason it was the best was because it was a small amount of people - some of my closest friends and some really good movies. We started off the semester by watching the Bourne movies, then eventually graduated to The Godfather and The Godfather II. We threw in a viewing of Wit and even Bride and Prejudice. It was always a treat to hang out there with my friends. I'm going to really miss that.

It wasn't just the movies that I liked or even the company; it was the routine of it all. I would struggle through a week of classes I didn't really like and then be rewarded on thursday evening. I would clean up the supper dishes and then make it to campus for 9 where I would pick up Julia from her night class and we'd walk over to the Abbey and catch up. Sometimes Kat would pick us up and we would drive over, or stop off at Mickey Dees for a late night snack.

Over the years I've really grown to appreciate these late night walks to the Abbey. Last year it would be key bonding time with Angela & sometimes some of my other housemates who managed to make it that far west. This year it was a lot of walking with Julia or Julia, Liz & Kat. This year the walk was also some good bonding time with my housemate Sarah. At the beginning of last year (3rd year) I kind of resented the distance of the Abbey from our house (20 minute walk), but I guess it has proved to have good things about it.


Jonathan P said...

Did you guys ever watch that football movie together during the school year that Mathias liked so much? :P

Jess Versteeg said...

haha no we didn't. it was kind of a fun movie, though. did he make you watch it too??

Jonathan P said...

Hehe yeah. I did enjoy it I must admit :P Really cheesy, but it was an enjoyable watch.