Friday, July 18, 2008

unplanned trip to my destiny, or something


When I walk into that store something happens to me. When I peruse through the stationery section with all the beautiful, inspiring journals I get excited. When I consider the wealth of knowledge in that store it makes me yearn to know everything. Walking through the aisles taking in all the book titles, different waves of emotion come over me.

Christianity section. Ooh! C.S Lewis. Hmm, Philip Yancey -- dad already has that book. What is that?? Is that Joel Osteen looking back at me? In the Christianity section? Shouldn't that be the HERESY section? UGH. Angerrrrrr. Ok, Jessica, calm down. Move right along. Ignore the God Wears Lipstick book too.

I knew I had over an hour to kill as I waited for my brothers to finish up at Lebaron, so I looked for the Webdesign section. Travel, yes I'd like to. Foreign Language, can I become bilingual by reading a book? Before I reached the Webdesign section, Writing, Copywriting caught my attention. As I looked at the books on proper grammar, I recalled my spur-of-the-moment purchase of Eats, Shoots & Leaves in first year. I should finish that. The books on the art of self-editing, how to develop your character, how to get published, how to find a space of your own -- they sparked something in me. My deep, hidden desire to be a writer. Like a nerdy-person's version of being a rockstar. Being a writer is like being a rockstar, really. Instead of writing catchy music that cause people to raise their hands in worship at your concert, readers follow the rhythm of your dialogue and are mesmerized by your ability to weave words together with style, craft and fortitude. I want to be both. Is that even allowed?

Flipping through Telling True Stories, I had this image of me sitting at a café with my MacBookPro writing because I wanted to and because I could. And the best part is: I like my dreams and I don't care if people laugh at me for being an aspiring writer/rockstar/missionary/web designer. My life is going to be FUN.


elisabeth said...

jess, i'm back! still love reading this and you!! i love the play-by-play of your chapter's emotions - i can totally identify! much love and prayers!!

Alison Ma said...

that would be so cool.
i would soo buy your book. :)