Thursday, August 28, 2008

2 Cor 5:18-19

With MPD comes lots of expectations. I expected to be nervous about MPD. I expected to have a hard time calling people, to be excited by the process and in seeing God provide. I expected to dislike being in Renfrew. So far, my expectations have not gone unmet. One thing I did not expect to be so closely connected to my MPD is reconciliation. I've had a few appointments where these people have challenged me to reconcile with their children, people I grew up with. 

Last week, one parent said to me, "I have a challenge for you," he said. "I challenge you to call up [my daughter] and meet with her and talk about what happened with your relationship. I want you guys to figure out what went wrong." 

I was pretty stunned by this, I wasn't expecting it. I knew my relationship with their daughter had gone to the dogs, and I knew that I had let them down in some ways by giving up on that friendship. It was a pleasant surprise, after I got over the shock of it. 

It occurred to me on the drive home that I likely would never have gotten in touch with her and made that relationship better had they not specifically challenged me to. Perhaps, later on in life God would put it on my heart and I would have reconciled. It seems that there's something I have to learn from this. I brush off suggestions as "good ideas" or "things I should do in the general future", but if it's framed as a challenge I see it worthy of accomplishing even if simply to keep up appearances. I take a challenge seriously and I like rising to one. I felt more inclined to get in touch with this old friend than to book MPD appointments this week. Perhaps I should frame my MPD more in terms of various challenges I need to reach?

And yes, I did get in touch with her. We're meeting on Saturday for lunch. I hope it goes well and we can figure things out. I'm glad her dad made me do this. It's scary, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

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