Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hot 10!

Here is my response to Lydia's Hot 10. I realized in doing this that I'm significantly less of an obsessive personality than I used to be. 2 years ago Dave Matthews would have been on the top of my list. And Apple Inc (that really hasn't changed)... I've mellowed a bit. So here goes it:

1. stars. They're my favourite band and rock my world. I think I would say this is my favourite album of theirs, Set Yourself on Fire. They're a Canadian (from Montréal) indie band. I would describe them as being up-beat(ish) electronic-driven, indie rock. Check out their myspace to hear more. Heart!!!

2. iPhone. I love anything by apple (pretty much), and haven't come across something that apple has made in the last 5 years that I haven't liked. I own an ibook and now have found myself under a bit of technolust after it. WHY IS IT SO HOT? It seriously makes my heart beat faster. Man I'm so sketchy. But look at it. DROOLFEST 2007.

3. CBC Radio 3. Gloooorious. When I deleted all my unpurchased music, this site kept me sane. I never listen to the radio, because its trash. Not that I listen to much Christian music because... well... I wouldn't say its trash, but I just don't really like any of it that much. Canadian indie is where it's at and that's what CBC Radio 3 is all about. You can make your own playlists and listen to stuff for free, subscribe to podcasts and have free good music!

4. honda civic 2008. Ok, maybe this is totally lame, but I was walking down the street the other day and I saw this car that I thought was really nice. Simple, obviously looked affordable. Honda civic? Whatever, I think its hot.

5. Reformation Study Bible. I just love the intense theological notes in it. I'm not exactly what I would call a 'theological ninja master' (I still can't really believe I said that in my staff interview), so its nice to have as a reference. Plus the typeset is really refreshing.

6. Four O'clock Tea's White Chai. It's basically glorious. It tastes like a mash-up of Chai and Christmas with a kind of Vanilla thing going on. It's not cheap (because its fair-trade and organic), but it is worth all $9 of it. I think you should really go out and track it down and try it. Because it may just change your life.

7. My classmate's brother & his roommate have started up a rival of facebook that deals more with social events. It's an amazingly designed, well organized site that has profiles that are similar to both myspace/facebook but without the clutter & lameness like all the stupid applications on facebook. Check it out- its especially good for those of you in big cities (cause what really happens in Kingston?). You can rate restaurants and critique them, post concert events etc. To sign up: the betacode is 'tonight'. They want to keep it add-free. So sign up, and get all your friends to too!

8. Gmail. I love Google. I love Gmail and Google Documents. It makes my life so much easier in terms of administration. I just can't believe how some people live in the dark ages and still use hotmail. It kind of makes my heart mourn a bit for them. It's like living life with lobster claws when you could have hands / living a Christian life without the spirit-filled life. Why? WHY do people live life this way?!

9. Boys with Guitars. No, this isn't the name of a band. I'm just stating for the record that when I see cute boys weilding guitars with any sort of skill, and they sing... I'm pretty much can not be held responsible for anything I do or say. This combination just does something to me. I have to stay away from open-mic nights, and sometimes close my eyes in worship for reasons that are not as holy as it would seem (ie, fighting distraction of hotness... cause seriously, boys + guitars + jesus loving? eek)

10. Transformers Movie. I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH! I can't believe I only saw it once in theatre. Just thinking about it gets me really excited. It was JUST SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING. And cool. I went with a bunch of guys and was the only girl (as usual), which made it so much fun. Anyways, I was sitting there with my mouth agape, in awe, pretty much the entire time. This picture was one of my favourite scenes. I should buy it.


Melanie said...

i really wish i could have been a fly on the wall during your interview... lol ninja master ;) (you know i heart you!)

also, you should send me a white chai tea bag for me to try, bc ill never find it here lol

(also, i miss you. we should set something up for a sunday/monday some point of the day that you have a free semi-significant block of time?)

Sid S. said...

while i love the iphone, nokia n95-3 actually beats it.

Rainbow Choi =) said...

lol you make me laugh

love with lobster claws from the dark side,