Thursday, October 18, 2007

i'm a giant loser

You know when you're so tired and did something exciting/or are about to do something exciting and you have all this adrenaline in your veins? And when that exciting thing is over you still have adrenaline and you're a bit bored because you've just been, say, studying for awhile and now don't have anything really to do? And you're kind of hyper? That's me right now. Hyper. Glucose. mmm. And now I kind of have performance anxiety because ppl are telling me they're reading my blog (Hi Aban and Selina!) so I feel like I should say something meaningful and not stupid. But most things I say are meaningless or irreverent babble and I probably shouldn't be recording them as evidence if I want to get hired on staff.

I've been having a really hard time keeping focused. I was supposed to spend my only 2 free hours yesterday studying for this midterm i just wrote.... and I may have spent 30-45 of those minutes looking up how to get the new (beautiful) font Calibri that comes with Windows Vista (ugh, i loath the fact that I like something from Microsoft). It's so simple, but so pretty. It doesn't seem that exciting here, but it is so nice on paper. I know its weird. But fonts really are like art. I remember downloading a font pack of 2000 fonts in high school. And feeling excited when I can name the fonts used in billboards or store signs.

And then I napped. But i couldn't not nap, i was so tired. I justified it by telling myself I was 'reviewing the events of Muhammad's life (my midterm was on islam) with my eyes closed' and I WAS... my mind just wandered a bit. and hten i'd have to remind myself 'no no, go back to the hijrah... yeah Medina. ok from there.' And then I saw a book on the shelf in the library about anarchy and I wanted to read it. I didn't. ugh. And then I went on facebook. and then

Soon to come... my response to Lydia's Hot 10.


lowonthego said...

hahahaha dearest friend...

the fact that you blogged about a FONT makes my heart IMMENSELY happy.

and oh p.s. not only do selina and aban read your blog... I do too.

oh and p.s.s. (does p.s.s actually exist? is it p.p.s? i don't know...)

stat counter totally gets cities mixed up. it tells me people are visiting from calgary, when it's actually edmonton.


Melanie said...

guess what... i pop in every now and then to to get educated on the life and times of jess!

and really, you're not alone in procrastination and false justifaction. i do it alll the time ;)

Sid S. said...

hi jess!