Tuesday, September 23, 2008

autumn is the colour of joy

Today was a new day. A good day. Yesterday I started a Beth Moore study on Galatians/fruit of the Spirit called Living Beyond Yourself. So far, I've done 1 week's worth of studies in two days. It's been a good two days. 

Yesterday I made Turkey Soup while listening to A Rebel's Guide to Joy in Loneliness again. It was an odd day and I yo-yoed between being happy & content and moments of loneliness.  Since my last post about it, I have felt really supported by people. Knowing that the Montreal Metro team is praying for me is a huge comfort. (Ha! I just teared up. I didn't even realize it meant so much to me until I just typed it and got all teary-eyed).

Even though yesterday was peppered with loneliness I have to admit that this season is a good one. I mean that in both senses of the word. I love fall and I will continue to declare my love for it! It keeps me in good spirits because I love the temperature, I love the colours of the leaves, the smell of the air, the fact that I can see way more stars at night; it's so great! I also mean it in terms of this season of life. Today as I was journaling in my backyard down by the water, reflecting on some things it occurred to me that I will likely look back on this time in my life and be very grateful for it, just as I know other people have said upon completing their MPD. Long obedience in the same direction. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love you!
let's go leaf jumping