Tuesday, September 02, 2008

best sellers

I was in the grocery store last week and I noticed that the only Christian books on the shelves were pretty bad representatives of the faith (save The Purpose Driven Life). On Sunday I was in Westboro in Ottawa and my dad stopped in the Superstore to grab a card for someone. 

As I browsed the books I quickly became quite distraught as I saw the titles. I took this picture with my phone because I just thought it was the perfect example of the trash that is in popular consumption right now. I found it pretty ironic that the two "christian" books are closely juxtaposed to the two Oprah-crazed new age books

I don't know if I'm just being more aware of it in the last year or so, but it seems to me that there is an extra portion of heretical material being made available (and being widely read/discussed) than there was at any other time I can think of. I imagine that it really is no more than before, I just wasn't really aware of it. 


Anonymous said...

oooh Eckhart Tolle...apparently him and Oprah are teaching a course on miracles (or have taught a course on miracles or something)

Unknown said...

I would have to agree! I get looking at some of the books placed in the bookstore and I almost wonder if I could sneak RLK's in their place!