Saturday, September 20, 2008

Isaiah was kind of smart

Several months ago I had a conversation with Lydia in which she told me that unless I was sure I was "called" to join staff with C4C, I wouldn't make it through MPD.

She was right. 

Today I was perusing Facebook and found out that one of my floor-mates from residence in first year is now attending Yale for grad school. This added to the pang of jealousy I felt when I found out two of my classmates are now at Oxford for grad school. Yale! Oxford! 

Being so tired of MPD, it's easy to wish that I had spent less time at C4C during my undergrad and more time on my studies; it's easy to wish that I had made the time to actually have a decent average, not an embarrassingly poor one; it's easy to wish I had gone on to something prestigious and intellectual, too. 

If I didn't know that I was meant to go to Montreal, I'd probably be seriously thinking about giving up right now.... and I haven't even been doing MPD for all that long. It's pretty embarrassing (and sad) that my heart is so quick to want to jump ship. 

You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you. 
Isaiah 26:3


lowonthego said...

haha i think the title of this blog should be...

"Lydia is kind of smart"

hahaha :)

i think the jump ship feeling is pretty common amongst everyone...

but i'm glad you know you're supposed to be here! i'm waiting for you to get here!!!! :)

Jess Versteeg said...

that would make more sense haha.