Thursday, January 03, 2008

2007 in review

2007 was a really great year for me I really got to experience all areas of life this year. While I faced a lot of exciting things I never expected to this young, I also walked through experiences I never would have anticipated in my lifetime. I never thought I would actually have to endure my mother's wedding. Intellectually I knew it was coming, but I could barely even believe it even when I was bawling in the bathroom listening to Leslie distract me with stories of her cousin's sketchy Facebook photos (thanks les!). I also never ever thought I would have the discussions I had with a friend this past year; I never anticipated ever asking my friend if I could have the pills with which she had planned to kill herself. And if that wasn't crazy enough, Margaret's parents insist that I saved their daughter's life when I took her to the hospital.

After a painful wedding I had the opportunity to truly celebrate the joyful marriage of my very close friend Amanda and Jordan. This was a huge growing-up experience for me, being the Maid of Honour. You really realize you're no longer a child when your friends start committing their lives to each other for FOREVER. And after the seeming-near-death experience with my friend, Amanda and Jordan a few months after their wedding announced they were expecting!

There were a lot more less-intense firsts I had the privilege of experiencing this year: my first vermin infestation, and learning about life and God from a homeless man. I remember hanging out with Brittany in City Park every Sunday this summer and the crazy 7am Servant Team meetings. I remember Kathryn and Alison pulling too many all-nighters and losing their sanity regularly to our amusement. I remember the excitement I felt and happiness I had/have for Mel who got engaged this past fall! I remember my housemates moving out and the loneliness that followed, and watching Angela fundraise to go to North Africa while Lydia fundraised to go to Montreal and all the crazy cool stories of that process. I remember the hours of agonizing readings that I loathed so deeply this past semester and the physical pain of endurance that I felt at times. I remember feeling so surprised when my friend Alison was recounting her feelings in her parents separation, as if she was telling me my own story back to me. I remember spending hours thinking about what I would do after I graduate this spring, and changing my mind 8 different times until I settled on joining Staff with Campus for Christ. I remember my first Rockstar, the hours I spent in Mac-Corry Cafeteria, eating pizza every day. I remember how I let down a lot of people in being so self-absorbed. I remember how much Transformers the movie rocked my world.

And there's one last sentence that I really want to end with, but I can't because it will reveal how I'm still unable to control my heart. Bittersweet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh how I remember the day you drank your first rockstar like it was yesterday!