Sunday, June 01, 2008

i think this roller-coaster beats Wonderland any day

My life revolves around MPD. My dad said to me, "you can take a break, you know?" and then I replied, "have. not. completed. my. eight. hours. yet!" It proceeded to be a very discouraging time of phone-calling. People who I grew up with their kids, they and my parents were quite close for awhile. They seemed very uninterested in meeting with me. I know that they'd be very supportive at least in philosophy of what I'm doing, but they assume I'm going to corner them and make them feel guilty if they don't give seems to make them uncomfortable. 

Anyways, after I was done calling all these questions were swirling in my head. They weren't SERIOUS, BIG questions, just the kind of rhetorical ones like: why am I doing this again?? And then my smart brain would come up with good answers and it was annoying. why did I not just get a normal job?

I was glad my work was done for the evening. I went into town to my moms and then was showing her my new iPod Touch my dad got me as a graduation gift (p.s. her name is Miss Rose and she's SO HOT). I was telling my mom how disappointing and slightly discouraging it was to have these conversations with these people. She was pretty discouraged, too, i could tell from her tight-lipped "Mmhmm"s. As we're talking about this, the phone rings. 

A couple I left a message on their machine that evening called. He was THRILLED I called and said he already supported someone with C4C, but said my call was an answer to prayer. "I'll write the $600 check right now." He said he'd be a random giver, and gives what extra he has and puts it where God tells him. That's encouraging. 

And then to top that off, someone I had been praying would give mentioned they had been thinking they would give when I asked them for an appointment. So basically, God is pretty darn incredible and I like Him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cool stories jessie! proud of you for persevering