Tuesday, June 10, 2008

things not to do in MPD 1

some of you have had the entertaining experience of watching When Bob Goes A Calling (or whatever it's called) -- the example/bloopers of a MPD presentation. I had a blooper-like experience tonight. Actually, it was very similar to one of the What Not To Dos where the get-to-know-them time at the beginning goes on for like 2 hours about fishing? Yep. 

My appointment was THREE HOURS. Count 'em: 3. Things I learned from this:
  1. When they seem like talkers during the rapport building at the beginning, be WARY when you ask the lead question into the presentation. It took a good 7 minutes for him to answer. 
  2. Even if you don't have an appt right after, say you have things to do - you probably should be calling people anyways, so peace out.
  3. GET A WATCH, I have put off getting a watch for awhile but I will be watch shopping tomorrow I assure you
My face is sore from the talking and i'm just plain exhausted. I think I may be officially afraid of appointments!

1 comment:

Alison Ma said...

aw jess.
i feel like we could all come together and write a book of all the "fun" experiences we have during MPD.
jia you!