Tuesday, October 24, 2006

all you women independent, throw your hands up at me

Hmm, that line of the song sounds way less cool when written down. It makes me feel so lame and white. I was really excited this morning to find the women's ministry leader asked me to do the talk @ Girls Night Out this Friday. We're going to be doing spa-type girlie activities, and then I've been asked to give a talk/my testimony on Beauty and God etc. I'm so stoked for it. I actually started working on it tonight, even though I have a midterm on thursday that I'm really unprepared for. Just what I need - a REALLY good reason to procrastinate. This time it isn't even YouTube or other people's blogs.

Ok I should go to bed... class @ 9:30!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wut does it mean to throw ur hands up at me..like..do i physically detach my hands and throw them at u... oook beyonce. u have nothing on me in terms of grammar. it should really be.. "all you women independent, throw your hands up to me." ook to me is worse.. sigh beyonce wins. (glo)