Sunday, October 22, 2006

in one ear, out the other

I think it might be true that a person's brain can only hold so much information. The past few days I've felt really smart. Mostly because I'm totally busting out all these theses on the US and hegemony and taking over the world. It's pretty much fantastic because it's not even just ME who looks crazy and paranoid - I'm totally citing other sources. But here's the thing: I have no short term memory in other things. The other day I opened up a Compose window in gmail and it fully took me 30 minutes to remember who I was planning on emailing and what I was planning on saying.

It just happened again. I opened up Blogger in with the intent of writing something life alteringly insightful, the kind of stuff that either brings you to tears with beauty or makes you want to go conquer the world -- SO incredible that you actually believe someone might give a crap about what you have to say. Something just that great. And then I got sidetracked by Zach (yes, i talk about him like we're friends. like Dave. Dave's pretty much my cool uncle. No... uncle doesn't work because Dave is cute. Dave can be a close friend of the family. that works). Anyways, it has taken until now for me to remember what I was going to say. And it really wasn't all that important.

I'm just having a lazy skinny day. Lazy because I have a headache, its raining, and i don't want to do work and so I will nap instead. And skinny because my friend Julie gave me some pants AND THEY FIT. the size 4 pants. Shut up, i know... I'm not a 4, i'm an 8. Too bad they're too tight and short. oh well. i own size 4 pants, even if I don't wear them.

How is it that I've discussed hegemony AND feeling skinny justifyiably in one blog? Random, and kind of embarassing. Which reminds me, I have to post about my most embarassing moment that happened the other day. Too funny.


Jonathan P said...

Lol, that's a hilarious combination... although one could argue that the conception of skinny is part of the hegemonic process within the fashion world.

Buh hegemony... it's like Academia's way of sounding smart about conspiracy theories.

But there were two things that I read in yer blog that scared me. 1) That I knew what you meant when you said Zach... *shudder* and 2) That I could visualize what you meant when you said you had size 4 pants that fit when your really a size 8.

I'm scaring myself... someone stop this inevitable slide into feminity that I find myself slipping into.

lowonthego said...

hahah i remember when i spoke at the coffeehouse night on project and i used the word hegemony...

and people didn't know what it meant. lol. selene said i should tone my large word usage down a notch.

haha. glad you know what hegemony means! makes me feel good to have smart friends. LOL.