Thursday, October 12, 2006

So this year I'm the publicity coordinator for the club that I'm quite heavily involved in. So I guess I'm also responsible for that UGLY UGLY website. But the template was free and it was easily put together by a friend who knows a bit about this stuff. It really drives me crazy that we have an ugly website, but we have no one to take care of it now - which is the story of this club's life!

I sort of expected to be murdered by publicity this year, but things have been going well so far. We're in the middle of a campaign to publicize a debate this upcoming tuesday and I think things are running smoothly. I'm sure something will screw up eventually. Classes have been going well for the most part. I have a midterm next week and a short essay proposal due on monday, but I think things will work out ok. While balance isn't exactly my forté, it's all working out. I think it's because I've gotten used to being ok with not having things perfect. The website is a great example: it's ugly. But the people who have never seen a functional website for CFC are thrilled with it. It's functional so I guess it does its job. I personally would like to see something not so hideous and retina mutilating, but I don't have the resources for that right now. So I settle. Sometimes settling is so, so convenient!


Rainbow Choi =) said...

the sites not so bad... its got a bit of character to it! add a little pink to it and it'll be okay ;) ours isnt so much better... admittedly jealous of mtl's sites...

Jonathan P said...

Ha, at least your site is semi-somewhat uptodate and at least you maintain it. Ours LOOKS snazzy but hasn't been updated in WEEKS.

Jess Versteeg said...

man jon. yours is awesome. but totally scary for anyone who doesn't love jesus i think

Jonathan P said...

Ahahah so true.